You are on point and still young, so you can benefit from all of the info. online. I read in English, so I enjoy info. from Australia and UK as well. If you can read in all of the other languages, I think you'll find documentation all over the globe.

Two points I wanted to make. One, use what you learn about giftedness to make your decisions about mating and procreating. I am very happy because my spouse and my child have a shared experience that we all relate to. Two, know when you are reading or listening to 'experts' (even if they are very smart), if they are not 'gifted' then what they are saying may not relate to you at all and that is very tough. You have to know yourself and stay strong and know that they may think they are trying to help you, but following them (and going against your instinct) will derail you and you'll lose time having to redirect back to what you knew was right for you in the first place. I hope everyone gives you great helpful advice.

Good luck in all of your future endeavors. Enjoy 23; it goes so fast.