Is this feeling of being misunderstood something we must become accustomed to?

Yes. I am MG, maybe HG (huge underachiever and never really gave any of this any thought until I realized that my DS is PG). I have been misunderstood my entire life. My DH is PG and very few people understand him. BUT - he did learn in his 20s how to relate to anyone. He can talk to anyone and is completely and genuinely interested in whomever he is speaking with. But if DH goes off into PGland - no one knows what the heck he is talking about. I don't only mean when he starts speaking about very complex things. He just goes off and starts relating things that seem unrelated and gets really excited (overexcitability).

My DH is a STEM Ph.D. Fortunately, he can find many others in his work world like him.

My DS7 has massive overexcitabilities. We have to have a mattress on the floor in front of our TV. Should DS7 stumble upon a Nova special that is particularly "exciting" (ex. string theory), he needs his space to jump on the mattress for the ENTIRE length of the video. It's that exciting. Very few people understand that.

Last edited by somewhereonearth; 01/12/14 05:21 PM.