Ok.. I guess I had not looked. District site does not appear to have a different contact person and site states:

All children who reside in District (including private school students) are entitled to evaluation and special education services if found eligible.

In my state, HS is private school.

So my third paragraph reads:

In accordance with xxx district policy that private school students are entitled to evaluation and special education services if found eligible, we look forward to continuing to work together to develop his IEP to allow him to learn in a classroom environment accommodated for his learning and physical needs. If the contact person for this process has changed due to his withdrawal, please let us know so that we may contact that person.

(I plan to copy the school psych who is the contact at the school.)

My thought is getting OT/handwriting and assistive technology training for him through the school would be great in addition to perhaps adaptive PE?? I need to learn more about what CAN happen... perhaps even counseling/social learning options?

Final input?? Then I will send.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 09/16/13 12:43 PM.