I have been following your story too. And like the letter MoN suggested. We have been dealing with our share of disability related issues (severe allergies) and 4 weeks into the school year, I am still not happy. I had to do a lot of pushing and pulling the first two weeks to get to a point where I felt that it was somewhat safe to send DS5 to Kindergartener. He doesn't have a 504 but IEP due to some other issues. So his allergy accommodations have been written in his IEP. Our state does not require schools to provide any gifted accommodations so we're not even touching that subject ... unfortunately

. My approach since the beginning has been to "get a lot - give a little". But I still feel that homeschooling will be the right choice for us.
Anyways ... I agree with pretty much all the suggestions that have been mentioned here already. I hope your son is happy homeschooled. I know my little guy misses a lot of what we've been doing before the school started because now there's just no time left.