Thanks for your feedback Ashley.

There are more issues than the teacher... she's really just the most egregious example. Even with IEP there are several more issues with acceleration and being able to get his cognitive needs met.
One factor here is that we have been told since our son was tested on WPPSI/WIAT at 4yrs that he would never fit in a traditional school environment and we should strongly consider homeschooling. We did not want to hear or believe that...
Unfortunately in the 2.5yrs since that statement, we have had this message confirmed over and over by both professionals who are gifted experts and school personnel at public and private. I think the severity of the current situation has only brought home that we must consider that the evaluation that school would never "fit" is much more likely than the supposition that any amount of our efforts is going to move us to an appropriate environment for our child.
My husband and I are not the burning bridges types. I want to keep all doors open to future options as my child and those options shift over time. I was once told that for a child like mine you have to re-evaluate fit every 6 months. I know where we are today but don't presume to have the future figured out. It's tough navigating it all.