It really was the meds! 48hours without them and all day today, I had an absolutely amazing and smart kid on my hands! Would talk nonstop but he has always been like that and today whatever came out of his mouth once again was the good old super bright kid! And none of the defiance of the past 2 months. While the last two months I would constantly hear "no! I don't want to! I can't! I'm angry! You're making me angry! No way!" ... the most common answer today was plain and simple and HAPPY "ok!" smile

The downside though, I took the boys to a local kids gym and his asthma was bothering him (exercise induced) a lot more than it had while he was on Singulair. So we have to find another safe way of getting that under control but not THIS medicine! Fortunately he doesn't normally have asthma. It's mainly exercise induced and allergen induced. So if we keep track of all the allergens that bother him, we might be ok just with a simple inhaler. I did read that Singulair can also be used just for exercise induced asthma 2 hours prior to exercise so we might just use it for the days he'll have gym at school or when we know he'd be exercising more than usual. At least the horrible side effects seem to go away within a day or two! smile