Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Her entire development has followed that same pattern. It's maddening-- and we finally realized when she was about 8 that, um... it probably not valid to compare our 8yo DD's relative competence at cognitive tasks... to a pair of PhD scientists (her parents). We didn't have any other real yardstick of what "normative" looked like, since we didn't spend time with other people's kids.

I'm caught in a cognitive dissonance loop with this lesson.

Just yesterday, I was mentioning to my mother that I thought DS was experiencing a speech regression because, you know, he hadn't made my eyes bulge or my stomach turn in a few days with something he said. Thankfully, after a quick suck-back-and-reload sequence I realized how ridiculous I sounded, with my mother's help, of course.

All of that simply to say it's easy to become inured to a process of second-guessing when the standard is totally non-normative. I'm 100% guilty of setting adult-level expectations for DS' reasoning...because his rational responses let me get away with it. I need to keep muttering a mantra like, "He's one" to myself to keep things in perspective.

What is to give light must endure burning.