Originally Posted by Glenn
I love when I come across these kinds of posts and realise its not just me!

Me too!!!!!!
We have been so busy that we haven't done much of anything "technically" academic since school got out. We have had plenty of learning opportunities and academics in disguise, but very little brick and mortar school type stuff.
We had signed up for EPGY and some other sites in the hopes of eliminating some academic loss over the summer, but haven't had time to really get either girl on the computer. We finally had some free time the other day and I was shocked at how long it took both girls to get back into the swing of things with what I thought was pretty simple stuff. I watched DD9 try to remember what 6X8 is. She took her time and figured it out, but if speed was needed (like for timed math tests at school) she would not have done very well. I checked the feedback portion after she was done and she did really well, but I guess we need to find more time to let them get on the computer.
Things like this make me sometimes doubt their abilities, so I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one!