Just a quick follow up. I think I figured out what's been causing the recent change of going from "this is too easy and too boring! I know all this!" to "I can't do this! It's too hard!". He was put on Singulair for asthma two months ago and that's about when a lot of issues started popping up. Super irritable, angry, cries for no reason, waking up screaming at night, not to mention lack of focus pretty much all the time, and all these seem to be a frequent side effects of Singulair! He's always had a lot of sensory problems so I wouldn't even think much of all the other stuff if it wasn't for the concentration and difficulty doing things he never used to have problems with. So we're taking him off Singulair and will see if we get our boy back! He's been without it for just one day and already seemed calmer and more alert and witty today smile