Thanks! Glad I'm not alone! lol I'm sure he did get a little rusty since we haven't done any math at all for awhile. But I did have a good reason for it too. I didn't like how his math skills suffered in preschool where when he went in last fall, he did all math in his head real fast and by the end of the year he kept telling me the only way to do it was counting one by one on his fingers? Because that's what they were taught. So now he's back to the pre-preschool abilities when he didn't need anything but his brain! I did notice one thing though. When he has a math problem, he keeps looking at it and saying it's too hard and he doesn't know but then when I get firm with him and tell him "you know this. Just give him the answer!" then he gives me the correct answer right away. So maybe it's still some sort of hiding he did in pre-school? But I am really glad to see him grasping the concepts really quick once he got into it. Within an hour he was done with Kindergarten curriculum and onto a lot of 1st grade stuff. Hopefully he's done "forgetting"!