Originally Posted by Mk13
He was put on Singulair for asthma two months ago and that's about when a lot of issues started popping up. Super irritable, angry, cries for no reason, waking up screaming at night, not to mention lack of focus pretty much all the time, and all these seem to be a frequent side effects of Singulair!

At one point, my two sons and I were on Singulair and we also noticed similar side effects in two of us. I was one of the two, and felt like I was PMSing all the time - weepy and irritable. One son wasn't affected at all, but the effects were so strong on the other two of us that I never felt comfortable using Singulair after that. We are lucky that our asthma/allergies were mild and we found other options, but it's scary to see how potent the side effects can be. As someone who experienced personally how much Singular changed my mood, I think you're right to take him off of it if you have noticed changes. Good luck!