Originally Posted by aquinas
Originally Posted by Mk13
aquinas - DS3.3 was like that with reading! First he learned to read simple words. Then acted like he forgot it all for couple months, then started reading short sentences, then went into hiding again just to start reading long sentences and paragraphs couple months later! I have to learn to NOT fall for this anymore! lol

Thanks MK, that's reassuring. It's so easy to be duped, though! I find myself spiralling through this kind of thinking:

1. he's just a baby
2. give him space to play, let's take a break from academic play
3. he seems so...different
4. that's maternal bias speaking
5. OMG! What did he just do?! I'm never doubting him again.

Lather, rinse, repeat. It's very Dilbert-esque. DH and I joke that he's a benevolent, if mischevious, Stewie from Family Guy.

YES-- DD14 has been like this since birth.

When you ask her to repeat the behavior/what she just told you, she gets this sly expression... and refuses.


She could do all kinds of physical things from birth, but then STOPPED doing them. Seriously-- she could roll over and did so in the bassinet before we ever took her home, was holding her head up and looking around the delivery room during her first minutes, etc.

Her entire development has followed that same pattern. It's maddening-- and we finally realized when she was about 8 that, um... it probably not valid to compare our 8yo DD's relative competence at cognitive tasks... to a pair of PhD scientists (her parents). We didn't have any other real yardstick of what "normative" looked like, since we didn't spend time with other people's kids.

So we figured that when it took her three hours to put together a PowerPoint presentation the first time...well, clearly she's not THAT bright.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.