Thank you.

It's rather amusing how he's now re-written the history and the way he remembers it, he was always supportive of doing Montessori at home, etc. At least knowing him, I know that he didn't give in just to get me off his case because he does not operate that way especially when DD's interests are involved.
I know your little one is still young but before you know it, it'd be time for preschool. Time flies when you have an exhausting/all-consuming child.

Ha! It was originally his idea, right?

Time really does disappear! My husband and I have already planned for me to be home with my son during his "preschool" time, which will run to age 3.
Then, we'll have to cross the kindergarten bridge when we have more information about DS' personality, needs, etc. Public schools here offer up to full day kindergarten for 4 year olds, which I think is too heavy an instiutional load for such young children. I'm also skeptical about the educational quality of our local schools when my 16 month old has already hit many of their curricular goals without instruction. We shall the fullness of time!