Do you go out into "the world" with your little DD? What sort of feedback do you get about her on an everyday basis? Unless you live in HG+ land, if she's in daycare and she displays this type of development there, you must have heard comments by now - would your husband have heard them? If you're at home with her, do you do things like play groups and library story-time type things? When my DD was under 1 year I started hearing things from the librarian who ran those programs, and a couple of key doctor's appointments that started to lay the groundwork.
Also sometimes not-so-positive feedback from other moms whose children were led down a straying path by my leadership-skills baby DD, who would crack childproofing devices and head out, a few fellow crawlers in tow.
So, if you have these activites, outsourcing them to your husband sometimes would allow him to hear first hand and get an inkling of how your DD is viewed as compared to her age peers.
Last edited by bzylzy; 01/21/13 04:25 PM.