Highly gifted kids are normal, all natural children same as any other kid. Maybe the environment that he was raised in made him feel the way he does. At least now we have access to more information and true stories from other families that our parents did not have. These forums help with perspective. Giftedness is not a dirty word in my own family, and I humbly think we have a healthy attitude towards it (something like- you have more to deal with than most people, but you have more resources to deal with it too.) I would say, though, I don't know. By reading the internet discussions I have come to learn that a few people have baggage with the concept of giftedness. I don't see where it would do any good to press your hubby on the issue. Browse the forum, check out Hoagies gifted, read the articles in the database in the sidebar of this forum. Remember, you have your daughter's whole childhood to raise her, and even after that, you have your whole lifetime to be her mother. In my non-professional opinion you will not have missed any magic windows of once in a lifetime opportunities in her preschool years. Really, no matter what, you're just raising your own kid. Just be yourself. LoL. My feelings fluctuate between wishing my kids had more and thinking they really have all the stuff a kid needs, and we're in this togeather. My hubby seems to fluctuate between saying keep teaching them as long as they want to keep learning and how are we going to afford this, especially about teenagers. But, again, giftedness is a greater resource to make do with what's around you.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar