We did Montessori/Charlotte-Mason/eclectic homeschool with our DD, as well.

My MIL was similarly horrified that we weren't sending DD(13) to preschool... it just "isn't done" apparently, in her world. Her tone indicated that we should probably begin preparing ourselves for DD's eventual miserable life on the streets... ::sigh::

Unfortunately, we kept mysteriously getting left stagnating on waiting lists, or even more mysteriously, getting placed ON waiting lists even when other people weren't told about wait lists.... (yeah, well... disability is a beast that way, let's just say).

So homeschooling was more default than well-reasoned choice for us, but I have to say that I don't think that I'd do it differently even knowing what I know now from ten years out.

It was the right thing to do given the other options. Glad that your DH is listening and that you're working together as a team! laugh

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.