ha ha that's funny... he doesn't want her advanced but his idea of catching up is really advanced. lol. When my first baby was younger (i only have two kids, the oldest is 5yrs. old), when he was smaller and my first baby I cringed at the way some people talked or acted with him. I realized that was stupid. I realized it was better for him to have a rich family life and that it was stupid for me to think about scripting their interactions with him. For some reason I subcoynciously desired to scripf how people acted with him, you know, because you want what's right for your kids.
Here on this forum there have been conversations about perfectionism, how you feel you're not good enough or beat yourself up internally for small mistakes, or anything less than perfect. That is inward directed perfectionism. We also (some of us) do outward directed perfectionism. You and your hubby are different people and you don't have to micromanage each others beliefs and personalities. Hope you don't take this insulting, I'm just telling you something that bothered me shortly about my family members when I first had my first kid.