We would not have "seen" our HG+ child for what she is. There were lots of reasons why that aren't really relevant here but if we had not had her off to the OT to check for problems like those we overlooked in her older sister, and then had him send us to a psychologist we very possibly would not have found for much longer, if ever. Part of that is that she's 2e (mildly compared to her older sister but still 2e) and partly it's that so far she's not that academically driven, she'd rather navel gaze and dress up. BUT even when not that academically driven she's still infinitely better off grade skipped than she was in her age appropriate class and she'll likely need another before too long. Given how spectacularly we and her teachers were missing what was in front of us I really don't know that she ever would have been "seen" without the IQ testing.