I am in the metro Detroit area. The two psychologists I contacted were names from the Stepping Stones website. Option #1 said she used to work for Roeper and still does a lot of testing for Roeper. I will call Roeper directly, though and see if they provide testing for less money, because that certainly would be nice.
Geofizz, I am beating a dead horse at her school. I took in her NWEA results to the conference. It took me 4 years to come to the conclusion that we are on our own in the public school system. That is where I am at today, just starting this journey on my own. I thought that when she got to 3rd grade they would start acknowledging the huge achievement gap between her and the other kids within our district, but they seem to only want to use the NWEA results to identify the children who are falling behind. That is fine, I just need to figure out where my daughter really stands as far as giftedness so that I can move forward on her behalf, even if that means switching to a private school that acknowledges the gifted kids. I figure if I can get her giftedness level determined (or lack of giftedness if it ends up being that way) then I can combine the IQ results and the NWEA scores and approach a private school with more eggs in my basket.