I figure if I can get her giftedness level determined (or lack of giftedness if it ends up being that way) then I can combine the IQ results and the NWEA scores and approach a private school with more eggs in my basket.
I think you already know what you need to know... your daughter is significantly ahead of her age-peers, and she's not learning anything in school. Since the state has no requirements to provide learning opportunities to gifted kids, and since it appears your local district has not volunteered to provide them anyway, it's pretty clear at this point that some solution that does not include public school is required. Whether she's gifted or "just bright" (not sure that's even a useful distinction), you already know that something has to change.
I do think testing first, and inquiring with private schools later, is a bit of putting the cart before the horse, for the simple reason that they may have totally different requirements. For example, you don't feel like you need achievement testing, but the school of your dreams might... in which case, you're going back to option 2, and spending even more time and money.
I'm not saying don't test... I'm just saying it may be worth your while to explore your educational options further before deciding
how to test.