Originally Posted by geofizz
A PTC is the wrong place to talk about something like this. The teacher has an agenda to get through and there's not enough time to consider. Now is a good time of year -- classrooms are rolling along and the teacher isn't thinking about report cards. Make an appointment to talk. Read up around here about good ways to run this conversation. I have had good luck with questions like "what are your goals for DD this year?" "What is happening in the classroom so that DD makes a year's worth of progress?"

If the conversation comes up bupkiss, then move up to the principal. Ask for a meeting and lay out the test scores, report cards, and frustration with getting an appropriate education for your child. If the right solution is a grade skip or a subject acceleration, then more testing might be necessary, but the school should do it. Either way, and acceleration will require the principal's involvement.

Part of the reason I'm advocating against getting the IQ test is that I'm a little concerned about your approach in using whether or not she's actually above some IQ level to advocate for her needs. She's got needs and I think they are clear to you and they clearly show on the test results.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. If you haven't gone beyond a parent-teacher conference so far with advocacy. Teachers have a certain amount of information they plan to discuss, and there is no time for additional discussion. I do not remember your story of who you've spoken with so far.