Well, received our results. Yeah, I think there are some problems with this new test.
We didn't take our son to an amateur last year. We took him to Dr. Ed Amend, someone well-aquainted with gifted/PG children, and who has spoken at DYS Summits in the past. I'm no expert, but I'll give you a few examples of just how off these results are compared to last year's SB-V results:
1) Verbal: Difference of 11 points.
2) Visual Spatial: Difference of 29 points.
3) Fluid Reasoning: Difference of 27 points. On the SB-V, our 6 yo hit the ceiling of the test. This score on the WPPSI-IV norming test wasn't even a gifted score.
4) Full Scale IQ: Difference of 12+ points.
5) On the SB-V, 7 of 9 scores were in the moderately-profoundly range, on the WPPSI-IV norming data, NONE were.
This seems a tad problematic and off, no?