Originally Posted by Iucounu
Originally Posted by syoblrig
Originally Posted by Iucounu
I don't think that early reading milestones can be reliably mapped to IQ.

A Google search, which brings up Davidson articles among others, shows that the two are linked. It's the other way that's not linked-- reading later doesn't mean a kid isn't gifted. Further, the earlier they spontaneously read (teach themselves), the higher their IQ.
No. You cannot infer even a ballpark IQ from any reading milestone. If you think you can, please point to some research support; I'm eager to learn. Anecdata from the likes of Ruf's Levels are not adequate support; I am looking for some reliable way to convert an actual reading milestone to an actual IQ number.

I don't understand your hostility regarding this issue. I'm not going to engage you in some kind of research fight. How silly.

Last edited by syoblrig; 11/08/12 10:39 PM.