I tend to agree with Lucounu on the early reading and IQ. I have kids with scores 2 points difference and 3 year difference in when they began reading. One of my friends had her child tested last year at 9yrs old for the gifted program. The child read very early like one of my kids. The score came back high average and -2SD from my later reader. She was shocked and the school retested on a difference test and got the same result. Her child is a bright kid and clearly a high achiever, but not quite in the gifted range. The child spontaneously started reading before preschool.
I would not every get crazy over one test, but I also would not assume early reading is a sure sign of Giftedness. My later reader looked maybe high average in class in kindergarten at best if you just looked at reading. My early reader was so far ahead the school stop measuring at +5yrs in reading at our kindergarten assessment. The Ruff guidelines looked nothing like my DYS kiddo. I just think early mile stones need to be taken with a grain salt. Kids develop at different times and areas. My most athletic kid was so slow in sitting, crawling, rolling over we thought something was wrong. Then in 6 to 8 weeks went from laying on the floor like a bean bag to walking. I'm sure glad I didn't go crazy meeting with doctors over the "delayed" development.
If you only have a test that was in the testing phase, I wouldn't change anything your doing over that. I certainly would not jump into questioning 2E absent of any other indicators of 2E. I think I recall when the Wisc was normed the 130 kids came in around 123 or 124. It can take a little while to iron out these test. Retest in a couple of years, if you feel its needed. I see it as one test on one day. Even when test are well established and out for a while, I personally think at times people put to much weight into a test. If a kid scores super high but no interest in achievement, what does the high IQ really mean? Same goes with the high achiever with a average IQ, doesn't that kid usually do just fine in the end anyway? You see what your child needs are and keep plugging away at that. It's just a test. I always tell people they are the same kid from the day before the test good or bad results.