My 4 year old son participated in the WPPSI-IV re-norming and I am somewhat perplexed by the results. He was chosen because of his advanced milestones (reading and using our computer independently at 20 months) and the fact that he is working at a 2nd to 3rd grade level academically and is still in preschool. He has taught himself most of these things on his own because of an obsession with reading and math. Well the scores came back and his overall score was 129 which is one point below the gifted level. Most subareas were in the mid 120s with Working Memory being being 150 and Processing speed being 106. It is silly because my son is obviously gifted so does the fact that he scored so low show that he is 2e? Or is this not a good indicator of giftedness at such a young age? The letter we received in the mail did say that overall the re-norming scores came in lower than expected. I'm wondering if this could be due to changes that were made to the test for re-norming. This is our first experience with testing and I'm just trying to figure our little guy out. Thanks.