going back to the original post. I think the issue with the results of this test is that it was a study...one in which the kids took ALL possible subtests. It took my oldest 2.5 hours and my youngest 3.5+ hours to complete it so I'm sure they were very tired.
Pearson is still in the process of norming it so who knows what they are using to come up with their results.
Another issue is, from what I understand, the WPPSI isn't a good test for older kids...yet, Pearson wants to norm it for kids up to 7.3 which is why my oldest participated in the study. His results were laughable.
The WPPSI-IV is very different from the WPPSI-III so who knows how comfortable the testers were in giving it.
Above all the letter we got from the GDC questioned the validity....not just on my kids' results but of all the results they got. Remember, the kids had to qualify to participate in this study....
I would not look to these results as the final word on your child's giftedness. I took my a bit to realize that myself. It was a tough weekend...but in the end the results are just too weird.