Originally Posted by Amy123
Well, received our results. Yeah, I think there are some problems with this new test.

We didn't take our son to an amateur last year. We took him to Dr. Ed Amend, someone well-aquainted with gifted/PG children, and who has spoken at DYS Summits in the past. I'm no expert, but I'll give you a few examples of just how off these results are compared to last year's SB-V results:

1) Verbal: Difference of 11 points.
2) Visual Spatial: Difference of 29 points.
3) Fluid Reasoning: Difference of 27 points. On the SB-V, our 6 yo hit the ceiling of the test. This score on the WPPSI-IV norming test wasn't even a gifted score.
4) Full Scale IQ: Difference of 12+ points.
5) On the SB-V, 7 of 9 scores were in the moderately-profoundly range, on the WPPSI-IV norming data, NONE were.

This seems a tad problematic and off, no?
Yes and no. The SB tests and the Weschler tests often don't come out super close although they have some degree of correlation. A difference of 12 pts on the FSIQ isn't out of the range of expected btwn these two different tests. One may have hit more on his strengths and the other on weaker areas. Also, newer tests usually do come in a bit lower either way.

On average, the correlation between the SB and Weschler scales usually runs around .7, with some of the subtests having much lower correlations btwn the different tests, which easily allows for the composite and subtest scores to come out quite a few points apart. When they last compared the two, as far as I know, the WPPSI-R and SB-IV only had a .54 correlation btwn the PIQ on the WPPSI and the Visual Spatial index on the SB.