Originally Posted by Iucounu
No. You cannot infer even a ballpark IQ from any reading milestone. If you think you can, please point to some research support; I'm eager to learn. Anecdata from the likes of Ruf's Levels are not adequate support; I am looking for some reliable way to convert an actual reading milestone to an actual IQ number.

I think I agreed with Lucounco. I just don't believe it's a reliable indicator alone. I have seen early self taught readers score very average scores and the reverse of that. My kids were a self taught 2 yr old reader and 5 yr old could take it or leave it with reading. Both are PG kids. It could a good Indictator with one kid and not another. Which in my mind makes it unreliable.

Our school has a decent gifted program doesn't give a lot of weight to early testing or early reading. I tend to agree with them. My DYS kiddo had a lot of peers reading and doing above grade level math in kindergarten. Eight years later my DYS is many years ahead of them in every subject. These kids are doing fine, they just seem to be more early bloomers than gifted. I would not discount it as a possible sign just not a given. I probably watch the speed of acquisition and depth of understanding as more significant to me than age based milestones. It's just an opinion and I am always open to my opinions not being shared or necessarily correct.