Spontaneous reading, while not some sort of prerequisite for giftedness, *is* a strong indicator of giftedness if occurring before age 2. Spontaneous meaning, no parental assistance, and no sort of "Your Baby Can Read" type of program smile .

I'm still waiting for our results. My son participated in the WPPSI-IV norming data the day after his 6th birthday. The year before, he was tested on the SB-V and the WJ-III achievement test. He qualified for the Davidson Young Scholar's program on his achievement, but only scored highly gifted, overall, on the SB-V. He hit a couple ceilings, but not in one of the top 3 categories to qualify for DYS. I was hoping that this norming data would help us build his portfolio for DYS, as his two siblings are in the program already. Needless to say, I am not happy with what is being reported here frown. Of my three, I believe, with absolute certainty, that this child is the smartest of the bunch, but immature, with focus and confidence issues. These aren't good traits for test taking. Looks like I'm going to have to pay for the WISC-IV, which I didn't want to have to do. Between the 3 of them, I've already spent more than $3,000 on testing!

My oldest son, just turned 12 and a high school student, taught himself to read at 18 mos. old. By the time he was 3, he was independently reading "The Chronicles of Narnia" with perfect comprehension, writing sentences, and making up multiplication and division problems with his matchbox cars. He squeaked by on his IQ test, qualifying for DYS with his verbal score. He blew his achievement test out of the water in every way.

My 6 year old son is working anywhere from a 4th-8th grade level, but by age, should be in 1st grade. He began reading at 9 months old. He began speaking at 5 WEEKS old. Yes, I have this on video. THIS is the child I'm having testing issues with! As I stated, he qualifies for DYS with his achievement testing, but falls short on his IQ test.

My 5 year old daughter didn't do anything impressive and early like her big brothers did. When I had her tested less than a week before her 4th birthday, the results shocked me. She squeaked by on her achievement test, qualifying for DYS with her math score. But she blew her IQ test out of the water. The WPPSI-III only goes as high as 155; she scored a 152, meaning she hit A LOT of ceilings! She was hardly reading at the time.

So yeah, reading can be an indicator, but just because your child doesn't read early doesn't mean they aren't gifted . . . or even profoundly gifted!