I am in shock. My son reads...VORACIOUSLY (up to 1,500- 2,000 minutes a week when he is in school- more when he is not) and everyone knows it at school-the teacher gets it and lets him keep all his books at his desk(normally 5-7 at any given time) it's what he does all day when he is done with his work. IT keeps him out of trouble. He is RE-Reading the Hunger Games before he sees the movie- he actually read it when he was 8. He is now 9 and in 3rd grade. I read it first and asked him a lot of probing questions while he was reading it to make sure he was ok reading it. None of his peers have read it and his teacher has asked him not to talk about it since the other kids are not allowed to read the book due to content...SERIOUSLY??? every video games these kids play have as much or more violence....He always reads books way above the other kids content level and if anything has pushed other kids into reading larger and more difficult books because he is SO PASSIONATE about them. It just makes me sick- censorship of a 9 year old.... insert scream here!!!!