Originally Posted by Bostonian
My experience is that there is a lot of preaching about "renewable energy" in the public schools without mentioning how much more expensive it is and other drawbacks such as the unreliability of wind power. Steven Landsburg has described environmentalism in the schools as an intrusive state religion
http://ruby.fgcu.edu/courses/twimberley/EnviroPol/EnviroPhilo/WhyNotEnviro.pdf .

As easy as it is turn this into some kind of political statement (the skools is LIBRULSZ!!), the reality is that just about anything related to social studies it taught badly in schools, with little in the way of conflicting information that can lead children to exploration and developing critical thinking skills. Social issues are presented as facts to be memorized, regurgitated, and forgotten. The narrative of steady progress from grunting ape-like societies to modern man cannot become clouded by confusion, else the real purpose of education (to turn out compliant cogs in the industrial machine) be undermined.

When a district curriculum supervisor informed me that "the primary purpose of an education is social integration," my jaw hit the floor. I mean, she could have said "indoctrination" or "mind control" instead of "social integration," without changing her meaning at all.
