Back again. I have found that PG girls generally find men in their programs, PhD etc. My childhood good friend is one, or they have a difficult time, especially if they go into business.

When I was in my 20s, I worked for a famous woman on Wall Street. She divorced the first husband and then married a very successful guy when she was in her 40s. On our way to a meeting I told her of my woes with this guy, an IVY league lawyer in a major firm, that seemed to like me. And she told me that her husband would never have come near her when they were in their 20s. She said successful smart women are very threathening to ambitious, smart guys. Because they are not sure of themselves until a certain point.

I dated a lot of investment bankers, top lawyers, traders, some famous and it is interesting when I look back. Many kept in touch over the years and only later did I get marriage proposals.

I am planning the nerd route for DD. Watching her now, I see resistance in the future, but then there is always that convent in Spain for high school...