Yes, I'm one of those parents. I'll be honest, it's one of the things I found quite negative about the skip. Dd21 had a bday 3 days before the cutoff and skipped, so she is very similar to your dd. Dd19 had a bday a few months after the cutoff, so she is definitely younger, but not as much (although she'll graduate college in three, so she's continuing the younger trend :)).
For dd19, she didn't really date until the end of HS. She was always very mature, a bit quiet, tall and gorgeous, so I think she intimidated boys. She's now been dating her prom date for two years - he's 5 days younger and a grade behind, and followed her to college. Dd21 was another story. She is PG, math and science oriented (biology degree) but frankly, she loved dating and loved boys (even though she has no patience for stupid ones, at least for the long haul). She has always dated older men, including a 29 year old recently. She's into make-up and fashion and sexy clothing that I do think started with her trying to fit in and look older (not trashy sexy, but still, just a shade too tight, heels too high, for my comfort level). In MS, she was very tiny, and looked very young - and she pushed issues like makeup and heels to combat that. Things like driving didn't bother me, but being asked to the 9th grade dance when she had just turned 13 and her date was 16 - that creeped me out.
I think it's really tough - dd19 still finds boys her age annoying in many ways, but she loves her bf and realizes that he is fun for her - much more social, they both love singing, etc... Her intellectual stimulation comes from her classes, her internship (literary) etc... For dd21, it's been hard. The 29 year old (a surgeon) was brilliant and intellectually stimulating, but in a completely, utterly different life point.
I feel like I'm being really negative and I'm not trying to be, but it IS tough. Being gifted and dating already has some challenges, but being younger and gifted is even more challenging. Dd21 can chew men up and spit them out to a certain extent, and she could in HS as well. I don't think she'll find a good life partner for a few years at least. She'll really need a strong, intelligent guy (strangely enough, looks don't seem to be hugely important to her, even though she's done modeling, but intelligence is a deal breaker). OTOH, Dd19 seems to be fine dating guys who fulfill other needs besides intellect - unlike dd21, she doesn't want to debate her dates, or spar intellectually with them.
I think you may come to the conclusion that your dd may NOT be able to find a boyfriend who is both emotionally and intellectually appealing, and not way older. She might have to compromise in HS and either decide not to date much (as dd19 did) because she just can't find a boy mature enough, or decide to date older guys, or smarter, but more immature boys her own age (as dd21 did). The biggest help I gave my girls, honestly, was just to listen to them when they couldn't find anyone who really fit what they needed and reassure them that they didn't need Mr. Perfect... I truly think that the perfectionism that gifted kids have can play into bad experiences in dating. My PG dd21 is very typical - super intense, perfectionistic, razor-sharp, quick... she's like a freaking force of nature. Sometimes we need to remind her to take it easy on these guys

(I'm dead serious). Help your dd think about what she wants - someone to talk to? someone fun to date? someone who shares a certain interest? someone she finds attractive but not necessarily intellectually stimulating? She doesn't have to find everything in one guy - not in HS at least! In the same way that skipping was not an ideal solution, but worked better than the alternative, your dd probably won't find the ideal boy, but that's okay, because she doesn't need to right now.
Good luck...