Hi Cricket. DD 14 goes to a 7 - 12 school. She is three years accelerated in math. She takes classes with anyone from 7 - 12 grade, and one college course. She intermingles with older students. Her closest friend at school is a girl who is a grade above her and also accelerated two years. She has been dating mostly kids around her age. I think that her older girlfriends are more a problem in regards to the dating as they are talking about the more advanced sexual relationships than her same age peers. She is not asked out as often as her same age peers. She is tall, gorgeous (not only a mother's bias) looks about 17 and smart. I think she is to intimidating for boys. This is also disconcerting to her. She has a pretty good head on her shoulders and basically thinks that kids around her age can not fall in love yet and the dating thing is just a hoax. We are pretty open with each other and discuss a lot about sex etc. I worry about teen pregnancy. Interesting discussion... I have always dated older. I like to intellectually spar...My guess is so will DD.....