I have thought the same before about schools for the gifted and/or independent private schools. However, I believe very strongly that the public school systems should be required to provide schools for the highly gifted. I don't even have a highly gifted child, but I still feel strongly about this. These children truly require and deserve a learning environment that serves their needs, as is required by law on the other end of the spectrum. These are our future leaders, inventors, the ones who can solve the problems (potentially)! In my school district, we have a school for special needs/special education that draws people from hundreds of miles away due to it's reputation. Wouldn't public schools for the gifted do the same? It would be a win/win/win for parents, cities, and society in general. I have gotten away from pointing the finger at the high-tuition private schools, and more toward realizing that our public school systems need to take responsibility on this issue. Getting in front of the school board and voicing opinions to the school boards and city leaders through emails work! Keep advocating for these schools and eventually, hopefully a change will happen!