If the school you are considering seems to be an ideal match for your child, and a 1/3 of the kids are on some type of scholarship or financial aid, then perhaps you might qualify for help to put your child there.

We have found that the public schools in our particular area prepared our kids to a level similar to those of the elite private schools and sometimes even had more options due to higher populations and funding.

My great-grandmother, who lived most of her life in poverty but was one of the most centered, happy women I've ever known, gave me some great advice that has helped me focus on what is important: You can spend your energy resenting what isn't fair or you can spend your energy figuring out what it is that you want and how you're going to get there.

Fair or not fair, it is what it is. So if you think the ideal is for your child to attend that school, use all of your energy and ideas to come up with a plan that will work to make it happen.