It doesn't rub me the wrong way - private schools have expenses that have to be met - building costs, maintenance, salaries, supplies, etc. I've served on the board of a private school and my kids have also attended two different private schools. None of the schools I've been associated with has made anything remotely resembling a profit - the $ that is paid in tuition and via fundraising goes back into the school, and there has always been "more" that the school staff and parents wished we could do if we only had more $.

Based on our experience, I think it's actually impressive that as many as 1/3 of the students are receiving financial aid - that's a good sign.

I also wonder less about the students who can't afford to attend private gifted schools than I wonder about the students that I suspect go unidentified in our local public schools simply because of their socioeconomic situation and the school they attend.

I hope you're able to find a way to afford the IQ test.
