I would be open to more testing and have even asked about it. The district has never even heard of the IAS. They do SAGES testing though(not familar with it will have to research it). I spoke with the principal for K and she feels my dd is a good candidate for a grade skip b/c of her test results so far and b/c she is so close to the age cut off. She said she did speak with the Super. and the curricululm coordiantor and they feel that a K-2 skip would be difficult as a lot of social growth happens in 1st grade. I would respect their views more if I felt they did something to evaluate my dd. I feel as they just made this decision based on some guideline they have in place not based on her. I also am annoyed since they told us in Nov. that it was too late in the year to grade skip, but made it sound like it would be a good idea if her test results were high enough for a skip after this year was completed. I feel as though they told us something just to make us go away. The principal herself said " the bar has been set very low for dd. That even next year it would be difficult to provide her with the appropriate curriculum inside the regular classroom." I am not in the frame of mind where are grade skip is the only option, but after seeing how little they are doing with her and how it is changing her behavior I am at a loss of what else to do. I can enrich her at home and send her to weekend programs, but that doesn't change that she spends 6 hours a day doing work that isn't a challenge to her and that really frustrates her. Her school day is 1 hour longer next year and I feel as though she is starting to view school as a punishment. The personality difference after she comes out of her Saturday enrichment class really makes me realize how much she enjoys being challenged and being able to be creative.