I posted a while back, but with a newborn haven't had as much time to be on as I like. I hope you would still be willing to give me some advice. My dd is in K, we are deciding if she should be moved to 2nd next year instead of 1st. The school was against her moving to first in Novemeber when we had a meeting. In my opinion they are being very vague in their recommendation of skipping first. They have said it is a good idea, but also a bad. I feel like all they do is talk in circles, never really answering the questions and I feel more confused than ever. They did map testing to see where she fell and she got a 187 in math and a 177 in reading(it was her writing that really pulled this score down. This was taken in the begining of December. From what they gave us she is scoring right now as an average fall reading 2nd grader and a high fall math 2nd grader. Currently they do little to enrich her even though the said they would. She does stuff that we have sent in with her and we continue to enrich her at home. She is also in a gifted Saturday program. I guess I feel like they are putting the decision on us with little input so if she fails it is on us. I do not want a repeat of this year where she is bored, frustrated and almost becoming lazy in her work b/c there is no challenge. I've had friends say wouldn't you rather she was the top first grader than a average 2nd grader. I just am feeling overwhelmed with this decision. If we put her in first and she is bored they will fight us on the classroom change, if we move her I am afraid her writing won't be up to snuff and she may feel overwhelmed. She is close to the birthday cut off so I am not worried socially as she already plays with many kids who will be in 2nd next year, it is just more the writing/grammar aspect. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciate. My husband and I feel all alone in this decision and it is overwhelming.