Originally Posted by erich
Using MAP test to advance kid is a bit risky.
This note made me realize that I am rather cautious with skips which is probably why I may be coming across here as more hesitant than others. It took a lot of data and convincing from dd12's school to get us to agree to skip her. I wouldn't have done it early on and with just MAPs scores. We had IQ, MAPS, ITBS, Explore, SRI Lexile, DORA, DIBELS, Acuity, WJ-III, and had her teachers fill out the IAS and I still wasn't absolutely sure. That's not to say that this much data is needed! I just may be overly cautious, though, and I'd venture to guess that if Dottie thinks a skip is a good idea, it may well be! We are on the other side of the age cut-off with both of our kids as well so perhaps more caution is warranted in a situation like my family's where looking at skipping a child who is already young for grade.