I'm not familiar with what the subtests in K are, but here's the link to the chart where you can convert RIT/MAPS scores to percentiles: http://pickens.it.schoolfusion.us/m...ssionid=14d1e9266e4482d198ebc39c6e6bc9c3

Breaking what they gave you apart,
Originally Posted by landofthelost
It says on the results they gave me: Reading score 180
(phonological awareness 163-179)
(phonics 170-187)
(concept of print 181-198)
Reading score 174
(vocab. word sturcture 165-179
(comprehension 169-182)
(writing 166-180)

It is my understanding to add the two top scores 180 and 174 and then average them to get the real score which is where the 177 came from.

I also have results on a chart that list her scores as
Reading 177:
Kdg not on charts for fall or spring too high
That sounds almost right, since 177 is exactly at the 99th percentile for mid-year K and falls right btwn the 96th and 97th percentile for spring K.

1: higher 90% for fall
Avg 65% for spring
Again, that sounds right around what I'd get off the norms chart: 93rd-94th for fall 1st, 63rd-65th for spring 1st.

2: Avg 34-65% for fall
not on charts for spring too low
I'm getting 43rd-45th for fall 2nd and 17th-18th for spring 2nd. I don't know why they said it was too low to be on the charts.

Math 187
Kdg not on charts for fall or spring too high
That is definitely above the 99th for fall K and right at the 99th for the spring of K.
1: not on charts for fall too high
High 66% for spring
For 1st grade, I'm getting: right btwn the 97th and 98th percentile for fall and 78th to 80th for spring
2: high 66% for fall
Avg 34-65% for spring
I've got: 77th-78th percentile for fall and 36th - 39th percentile for spring.

I wonder if they are going off of an older norms chart. I believe that these 2008 norms are the newest set of norms for NWEA MAPS.

I'm also wondering why they are looking at fall and spring norms when the test was administered mid-year. The mid-year norms seem to make the most sense to me and, like I said, it seems like she'd be well above average (easily in the top 25%) for the mid-year first graders -- which is who you're aiming to place her with.