I have to admit that I was perplexed after I read the initial post. I stayed quiet b/c I thought I�d missed something being new to this forum.
I just wanted to say that I wouldn�t participate in a competitive group (esp. when it relates to children). The reason I continued to read posts on this site was because of the cooperative and supportive tone. It�s nice to have found a place where I can share stories about DS2 w/o worrying that I�m going to offend another parent or make them feel bad. It�s also nice to be able to share the joy I experience with DS.
I do not think DS is smarter or as smart as other children acknowledged here. And that�s okay b/c I�m not in a competition with anyone nor do I feel like they are in competition with me. I really thought the point of this sight was to share experiences and information with others. At least that�s the feel that I�ve gotten so far.
I am grateful for the resources I have found on this site.