Originally Posted by Iucounu
* explaining to him that practice is often needed to achieve mastery, that needing practice is no shame, etc. etc. etc. (I know some of these messages seem to fall on deaf ears with a perfectionist child, but I still believe that they have an effect over time)

I completely agree about the effect over time. With DS I find that he resists and resists but that by repeating the same message every time he eventually internalizes it. To me its the same as when he was a baby, can I still not stick my finger in a light socket? He needs to continue to check in until he gets it, or is comfortable with the message, whether its about gender and color (a month on, no I (mom) want to wear blue not pink) or needing to practice to learn how to do something.

On the other hand, I find he is totally open to correction on stuff he is confident on - he has no issue with being corrected on pronunciation or definition - he is confident in his reading so its no threat to ego.

I so did not think this was what I would be dealing with at 4!!!
