
What is your problem?

I tried to figure that out for myself, and I found this:

Ten years from now, you will not be worrying about your 5-year-old son as he is about to enter kindergarten, you will be worrying about your 15-year-old son as he is about to enter his sophomore year in high school. The year 2020 might seem like an eternity away to you because your son has only been around for five years now, but today will seem like just yesterday when the summer of 2020 suddenly becomes the present. My once 5-year-olds are now 21 and 23.

If it is too much for you to consider my NAPS proposal right now, then do not bother yourself with it. Find the kindergarten threads in the Gifted Issues Discussion Forum and involve yourself there. This thread will get along fine without you, but you are welcome to come back if it ever matters to you what options will be available for your son during his high school years.

Steven A. Sylwester