Val, I'm not sure that schools haven't pinpointed kids at an early age. I think they have, but the model doesn't allow for anything much out of the norm. Fist off, i don't think the average teacher understands how much these kids CAN learn. I am sure you have gotten the "look" from parents and teachers if you try to explain just how much your child already knows.

I also think that there is a danger in your comment about accepting bright/gifted kids into a special program. We had something like that when i was a kid. There was an 'A' class, 'B' class etc. and that's exactly what led to no child left behind! The second that you focus on a subset of kids you get a clatter from those left behind that the system is not fair... and it WASN"T! I know kids who were labled and placed in the 'C' class because their parents were immigrants and they didn't speak english well, or they were poor and hungry in class, or dyslexic etc., etc..

What I am saying, is the system needs to be designed so that ALL kids can go as fast as they want, every child has the same opportunity as the next. You are only limited by your intellect, your desire, the desire of your parents, and so on.

I agree with getting rid of multiple guess.