One more wording that needs changing in response to the criticism from ColinsMum.

What was:
NAPS will establish a universal curriculum with the acronym CPCPC, which describes �Computer Programming, Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus.�
will change to:
NAPS will establish a universal curriculum with the acronym CSCPC, which describes �Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus.�

I was being pedestrian in my original wording to impress plainly that being able to do computer programming is now a required basic skill. However, to use the word "science" instead of the word "programming" takes the importance of it all to a new level where the "how to" shares equal time with the "why" and the "what for" � and also with the deeper involvements of experimenting and new discovery that lead to innovation and invention.

I like the change.

Again, thank you to ColinsMum.

Steven A. Sylwester