Twinkle Toes my almost 4 1/2 year old DS who was recently tested as HG+ sounds exactly the same. During his testing he bounced on the couch, stood on his head while discussing with the tester what faces looked like upside down. Yet the tester said he was totally engaged throughout and his results were certainly proof of that. He just has boundless energy. DH and I alas do not.

His daycare went from adoring exasperation with him - just after he turned 3 he told one of his carers who was trying ways to get him to have a nap that "I'm not going to negotiate with you" - to them just not being able to cope with him being unable to sit still, touching others, not listening, talking talking talking. They were suggesting we see a pediatrician about autism or a behavior disorder such as ADHD. We thought he was bored out of his mind but weren't sure and open to it being something else so went with a psych who specializes in both giftedness and autism. She saw no signs of ADHD or autism but an exceptionally gifted child.

We had the tyrannical 3s where he drove us almost insane. From the no tantrum 2s he suddenly started to have super sized meltdowns over the smallest things. His grandparents refused to take him out anymore because of the embarrassment he caused them once - he'd already been somewhere they were taking him as a treat so wanted to be the one in charge - they wouldn't let him and all hell broke loose.

Things have improved immensely since the beginning of this year. For us the problem wasn't too much stimulation but under stimulation. He started preschool 2 days a week and has 1 day of care at his old childcare centre but up a level, and 1 day a week at another where his little sisters go and he loves it! The diversity and novelty of going to 3 different places each week thrills him and gives him the necessary stimulation. His old childcare centre who didn't know what to do with him now adore him again. Yes he still talks too much and has too much energy and some days tries our patience to the very edge of it's limit but now that he's more stimulated he's much happier in himself and the most entertaining kid imaginable.