hey Blob (love that name),

I am familiar with manipulativeness and snide comments and my DD just turned four last month! The other day she drew a fantastic picture on her etch a sketch that really amazed me, so being the proud mom I am, I grabbed my camera and asked if I could take a picture of it and she looked at me, gave me what I would call a "F you" look and erased it and said if I wanted to see it again I'd have to use my imagination. Maybe I am a pest in that I like to take pictures of the things she sculpts etc. but I don't follow her around all the time doing it, I am just proud and amazed by what she makes and this was particularly amazing (I haven't take a picture of something she created in months so it isn't as though she is hounded by a camera). I don't think it is a perfectionism thing (though I could be wrong). I think it is a control thing. I want the picture and it wasn't her idea, so she will fight against it.

Thank you to everyone on this board. This is the only place I can talk about my DD in a complete open honest way and think that someone might get it.