My DD7 was and is how you describe your daughter. As a toddler and preschooler I used to say that she literally sucked the life out of me. It was so hard to explain to others what I meant and I often got the feeling that they thought I was exaggerating. It was high intensity all the time. We avoided many situations, just like Breakaway4.

When she started school, her primary teacher was adamant that something was 'wrong' with her. She couldn't stay in her chair and rarely finished her work. Grade 1 was better, but her two teachers agreed that something was impeding her school work. She was smart but just couldn't get it together at school. At home, she literally bounced off the walls, talked non-stop, etc. Her pediatrician started her on ADHD meds based on teacher assessments. We went ahead with psyschological testing this year, in grade 2, and the psychologist agreed that she had some mild ADHD symptoms but was also profoundly gifted.

I find it easier to deal with DD now that we know what her issues are. It is easier to be patient with her because I know how hard it is for her to cope. I can't even imagine what it is like to be inside her head. Her brain runs non-stop. No wonder she acts like she does.

I don't have any good advice, just lots of sympathy. No one else truly 'gets' it unless they have a child like yours. I find DD is best on days that she is outside playing for a long time. She cannot be inside the house for any period of time or we all end up feeling a little insane.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery