I believe that there are quite a few people who know my daughter who don't believe that she is PG. Her behaviour is just so out of sync. Sweet, kind, empathetic... and then hyperactive, talking a mile a minute or going off the deep end, sobbing hysterically. At least the temper tantrums ended around 4 or 5. I still cringe when she starts talking to strangers, but she IS getting better. And I can reason with her now and sometimes I can head her off or talk her down. It just takes an awful lot of effort for things to go smoothly. And when they go smoothly for her, I end up being the basket case worrying about everything and trying to anticipate triggers. I rarely get to enjoy it!

I want to find a shirt that has a disclaimer on it:

"I am only to blame for her good behaviour"

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery